What to Expect

Silverwood is a multi-generational gathering of folks from all walks of life. Some have grown up in the church and have been living the Jesus way for many years, and others are still checking this whole thing out. Wherever you’ve been, no matter who you are, or what you do, our hope is that you will know you are welcome here.
Statement of Invitation
As Silverwood Mennonite Church we proclaim Jesus as Lord and affirm the authority of the Bible. We acknowledge a diversity of perspectives, practices, and biblical understandings. We commit to living in community, to practicing peacemaking that transcends all barriers, and to welcoming all.
We recognize the sacred worth and dignity of all people and celebrate that persons of every age, ethnicity, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, education, intellectual or emotional or physical ability, and economic or immigration status are created in the image of God. As a diverse faith community we recognize that we don’t all agree, but in love we extend grace to each other. We invite all people who proclaim Jesus as Lord, including LGBTQ+ persons, to fully participate in the life of our congregation, including membership, baptism, marriage, leadership, and pastoral ministry.
Come join our community as we strive to follow Jesus together.
What are Sunday’s like?
A message, singing, time of prayer… the usual. However, we believe in using everyone’s gifts rather than just a select few professionals, so you will see a variety of people involved in the services, each bringing their unique flavor and heart to our corporate gatherings. The music is a blend of more traditional and modern worship songs.
Some folks dress very casual for Sunday services and others prefer suit and tie. Be you. Wear what you’d like to wear. A typical service lasts about 80 minutes.
What about kids?
Kids over age 4 join their parents and caregivers for the main worship service. We often have a children’s story that relates to the topic or scripture of the day. Child care in a safe and clean environment next to the sanctuary is provided for children under 4 during the worship service.
Are Sunday services the main thing going on?
Absolutely not! We have a growing network of Dinner Groups that meet throughout the Goshen area. These are smaller gatherings meant to foster relationships and support one another in our faith journey. To us, this is also where church happens. As we eat together, share life’s ups and downs with each other, pray for one another and learn Jesus together, we experience what it means to be connected to others also on the journey.

Our Story
Founded in 1892 with 50 charter members,Silver Street Mennonite Church grew rapidly to 200 members by the turn of the century. By 1913 Silver Street had planted two churches: Topeka Mennonite and Eighth Street Mennonite. The congregation was known for supporting Mennonite mission work overseas and has been a home base for many missionaries, maintaining connections to the church in the Congo to this day.
As a little rural church with declining attendance in the 1980’s, the members knew that some tough decisions would need to be made going forward. With a renewed vision for growth and to create belonging and family for more people, Silver Street changed its name, bought land on the west side of Goshen, and built a new building to be closer to where people lived, worked and interacted.
As Silverwood Mennonite Church, the congregation again experienced rapid growth, attracting many young adults from the local college community.
Today, Silverwood’s members are very active in the community, seeking creative ways to bless others and share the love of Jesus in practical, hands on ways. Conversations about church planting are once again on the table, as we desire to share the Good News that we’ve experienced with even more people.
Silverwood is a member congregation of Central District Conference and Mennonite Church USA.


Donna Mast
Donna serves as Team Leader and is Pastor of Worship and Pastoral Care. Trained as a spiritual director and counselor, Donna is passionate about helping people grow more deeply in their relationship with God, others, and themselves. Currently, she is interning as a Gestalt Pastoral Care Minister, which adds to her ability to help people grow.
As team leader, Donna assists the pastoral team, staff, and Board to do the work of the church. As pastor of worship, she collaborates with the pastoral team and worship commission to ensure that day-to-day details of planning and leading worship are covered. Together with the pastoral team and worship commission, she also looks at the long-term plans for worship, helping to set themes for the year and worship in particular. In her pastoral care role, Donna oversees pastoral and crisis care for those connected to the congregation, as well as empowering others to provide care.
Donna is married to Conrad. Conrad is also a pastor, presently serving in a transitional role. Because they serve different congregations, the two particularly enjoy the times they are able to worship together. They have three adult children, Katie, Anna, and Rachel, as well as two grandsons, Theo and Obie. Donna enjoys walking, reading, knitting and sewing, and delights in serving meals to company.

Clayton Gladish
Clayton (he/him) is the Pastor of Administration and Outreach. Trained as a biblical scholar, Clayton is passionate about bringing the Bible (and our ideas about the Bible) into the 21st Century. For him, this means looking for wisdom, hope, and assurance in these ancient texts that will empower followers of Jesus to boldly live out the just and compassionate ways of Jesus in everyday life.
Clayton has been a pastor for most of the past decade in addition to working as an administrator, a leadership trainer, and a guest speaker. These experiences have helped him to continue to learn and grow as a pastor. Clayton is excited to serve on a pastoral team where his gifts and abilities can be complemented by those of the rest of the team.
Clayton is also passionate about LGBTQIA+ inclusion in the church and faith. He wants to see people of all gender identities and sexual orientations find ways to integrate their varied identities and be celebrated in the church, a process that he himself continues to aspire towards as a gay Mennonite pastor. To this end, Clayton is currently serving on the board of the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests as well as working with local advocates for inclusion and celebration of LGBTQIA+ persons and relationships.

Jon & Aimee Weishaupt
Jon and Aimee are the Pastors of Youth and Discipling. Jon works bi-vocationally with the Goshen Fire Department. Jon has a passion for helping youth see their potential and walk with them in their journey. Aimee is passionate about helping people young and old to find new ways to connect with God and to know how deeply they are loved by God.
As Pastor of Youth, Jon creates safe spaces for community, learning, and service among the youth. As Pastor of Discipling, Aimee provides and develops places of learning and growing for the youngest of our community to the oldest.
Jon and Aimee have three children Rylee, Isaiah, and Isabelle. They live on a hobby farm that brings their family much joy and times of connection. They also enjoy playing games with friends, hosting meals at their home, being in nature, and relaxing together for a good movie and popcorn.

Janice Troyer
Janice serves as Pastor of Community Life with an emphasis on Young Adults. She focuses her time on life within the congregation, forming and equipping Dinner Groups and engaging with those ages 18-35. She has a passion for building community, authenticity and being real about living life together the Jesus way. She believes God created us to be in community and delights in creating space for people to grow together. Life is messy and beautiful and we need each other as we navigate it all.
Janice is married to Dallan and has three small children: Silas, Amelia and Judah. She loves hosting people in her home, all things fall, and creating delicious gluten free desserts. Games are an essential part of her life as well as friends, books, and outdoors.

Andrew Mark serves as the Administrative Assistant at Silverwood Mennonite Church. Andrew grew up in the Goshen area attending Bethany Christian Schools and then Goshen College.
In his free time, he enjoys playing Ultimate Frisbee, Frisbee golf, and board games.
Andrew is married to Breanna and has a wonderful, energetic dog Bella.
Andrew Mark

Julian Gonzalez
Julian serves as the Audio/Visual Director at Silverwood Mennonite Church. A Chicago native, he attended Hope College in Holland, MI and graduated with a degree in Communications and Videography. He is now teaching Digital Media and TV Production at Goshen Middle School as well as being a freelance photographer.
As Director, Julian seeks to use his passion for videography and visual arts to connect people with Silverwood Mennonite Church. He believes that God has given everyone a gift, and wants to celebrate those gifts through creative videos and photography.
Julian enjoys spending time traveling, watching baseball, and going for runs around the many trails in Goshen. You may find him wandering around with his camera looking for the perfect shot, or out on the golf course practicing his swing.

Mission and Vision