We partner with several local agencies that are doing work we believe in and can get behind. We extend financial support to all, and volunteer support to some, of the following organizations:
Anabaptist Disabilities Network - ADN networks with field professionals to offer resources to congregations and other organizations who want to be more inclusive to those who are differently abled.
Jail Ministry of Elkhart County - Sharing grace, love, and mercy through the gospel of Jesus with the inmates of the Elkhart County jail system is what this chaplaincy program does in various ways.
Walnut Hill Early Childhood Center - Walnut Hill provides high-quality early childhood education to families of all income levels in Elkhart County.
National Immigrant Justice Center - NIJC provides legal services to low-income immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers.
Center for Community Justice - CCJ became the first organization in the country to approach crime through restorative justice and their victim-offender reconciliation program.
Goshen Interfaith Hospitality Network - provides temporary housing for homeless families.
Church Community Services - partners with congregations, organizations, and individuals to foster a community of care where the hungry are fed, the poor receive good news, all have shelter, and people are empowered on their journey toward a better quality of life.
Goshen Ministerial Emergency Fund - an active effort by Goshen area congregations aimed at providing financial resources to Goshen residents for emergency needs otherwise unmet through other area agencies. This fund offers a way for congregations to walk alongside low-income people in Goshen and to build relationship with them. To find out if funds are available, call 534-2300.
The Window - a faith based ministry that offers meals and support for those with limited incomes.
Center for Healing & Hope - cares for the physical, mental, social and spiritual needs of patients, and works to integrate them into the local network of healthcare and social service resources.
Goshen Middle School E3 Mentoring Program - pairs at-risk 6th grade boys with male mentors that walk with them through middle school. The boys learn survival skills that will engage, equip, and empower them for their future. E3 is a partnership between Goshen Middle School and Amigo Centre.
LaCasa Help-A-House - a unique effort that connects volunteers and donations with eligible projects in the City of Goshen that supports safe, attractive, and affordable housing. The Help-A-House work day takes place the second Saturday in May.